Healthdata > Offline Database

Offline Database

Healthdata was also available as a disc based offline database, also in the viewdata format.  It seems as if it was mostly a copy of the online content, so we present it here for your delight and access..

Do note that this information is at least 20 years old.  Please do not rely on anything in here as current medical advice; for that please visit the NHS website.

    What is PMS?                        
      "Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a
 group of physical and mental changes   
 which begin anything between 2 and 14  
 days before menstruation and which are 
 relieved almost immediately the period 
 starts"  K. Dalton (1964)              
      The precise timing of the symptoms
 varies between women but remains the   
 same in individual women in successive 
      When trying to understand PMS it  
 is often helpful to keep a diary of the
 symptoms so that any relationship to   
 the menstrual cycle can be demonstrated
           key 1 for symptoms           

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