Healthdata > Offline Database

Offline Database

Healthdata was also available as a disc based offline database, also in the viewdata format.  It seems as if it was mostly a copy of the online content, so we present it here for your delight and access..

Do note that this information is at least 20 years old.  Please do not rely on anything in here as current medical advice; for that please visit the NHS website.

             Vaginal Thrush             
      If thrush is confirmed you will be
 given pessaries to put into the vagina 
 and possibly some cream to apply to the
 vulva. Follow the instructions and make
 sure you finish the treatment.         
   How Can I Avoid Thrush?              
     If you are getting repeated attacks
 of thrush you will find the following  
 advice helpful.                        
     1. Avoid tights, nylon pants and   
 tight trousers. Thrush organisms thrive
 in a warm moist environment.           
     2. Use pads rather than tampons.   
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